Vilkår og info


1. Generelt

Disse vilkår angiver, hvad der gælder i samtlige tilfælde, hvor Discrepublic (i det følgende benævnt vi/os) udfører opgaver for Kunder (i det følgende benævn Opgaven), eller hvor en Kunde køber varer af os (i det følgende benævnt Købet), med mindre andet er aftalt skriftligt af parterne. En sådan aftale er kun gyldig, når den er underskrevet af begge parter. Kundebestillinger indebærer en godkendelse af denne aftale.

2. Tilbud og priser

Et tilbud fra os er gyldigt i tredive (30) dage fra den tilbudsdato, som er angivet på tilbuddet (Tilbudsperiode).

Alle priser i et tilbud angives i SEK/DKK/NOK og er eksklusiv moms, fragt og andre afgifter og tillæg. De priser, der angives i et tilbud, som accepteres og bestilles, skal gælde, også selv om den generelle prisliste ændres i løbet af tilbudsperioden. Prislisten for vores sortiment er gyldig tredive (30) dage fra modtagelsen. Kunden er ansvarlig for at informere sig om eventuelle prisændringer og rekvirere en ny prisliste.

3. Forbehold

Vi tager forbehold for fejl i priser og indhold på hjemmesiderne:,

 4. Betalingsbetingelser

Vi benytter os af enten forudbetaling eller betaling pr. efterkrav – det, der er gældende i det enkelte tilfælde. Ved forudbetaling gælder det, at beløbet skal være os i hænde, inden bestillingen bliver bindende, og ordren effektueres. Ved betaling pr. efterkrav gælder det, at faktura sendes fra Klarna på den aftalte leveringsdato, og betaling skal ske fjorten (14) dage netto fra fakturadato, hvis ikke andet er aftalt. Ved forsinket efterkravsbetaling har vi ret til at pålægge morarente på fireogtyve (24) procent årligt. Ud over morarenten skal Kunden også kompensere os for de omkostninger, som hidrører fra inddrivningen af førnævnte fordring samt for ekspedition af rykkerbrev. Alle varer forbliver vores ejendom, indtil det fulde beløb er betalt. Hvis der er rimelig anledning til at antage, at Kunden ikke er i stand til at opfylde sine betalingsforpligtelser, forbeholder vi os retten til at afbryde udførelsen af opgaven og tilbageholde alt produceret materiale samt materiale, der er leveret af Kunden, indtil det fulde beløb for samtlige af vores fordringer til Kunden er betalt, eller indtil acceptabel sikkerhed er stillet. Hvis ikke dette sker, forbeholder vi os ret til at afbryde aftalen. Afbrydes aftalen, er Kunden, efter anmodning fra os, forpligtet til for egen regning at eftersende de varer, for hvilke Kunden har undladt at opfylde sine betalingsforpligtelser.

5. Tillæg

VI kan blive nødsaget til at debitere ekstra for arbejde, som skyldes svigtende eller ændret/korrigeret levering af materiale fra Kunden, og/eller i de tilfælde, hvor Kunden på anden vis ændrer forudsætningerne for opgaven i forhold til det, som oprindeligt blev aftalt. Det kategoriseres som svigtende levering, hvis Kunden ikke leverer materiale til det aftalte tidspunkt eller i henhold til den gældende materialespecifikation.

6. Kvalitetstolerance

Opgaven udføres med anvendelse af den masterkopi og det materiale, som Kunden har leveret til anvendelse ved fremstilling af tryksager (Originalmateriale) og efter trykkorrektur, som er godkendt af Kunden. Opgaven udføres endvidere i overensstemmelse med de specifikationer, som vi anvender ved produktion af den type materiale, som nævnte produktion hører ind under. Forhold, som ifølge velafprøvet og almindeligt anerkendt faglig erfaring anses for at være en ringe afvigelse, eller forhold, som skyldes fejl i det Originalmateriale (godkendt korrektur), som Kunden har leveret til os, regnes ikke for fejl.

 7. Leveringstider

Leveringstider angives i den Ordrebekræftelse/det tilbud, som vi udarbejder, og som angiver det antal arbejdsdage, som produktionen vil tage. Leveringstiden begynder på det tidspunkt, hvor Kunden har leveret alt Originalmateriale, og vi har sendt ordrebekræftelsen (Produktionsstart). Leveringstiden kan blive forlænget, hvis Kunden foretager ændringer i den afgivne ordre og/eller på anden vis forsinker levering af godkendt Originalmateriale. Normal leveringstid er ca. fjorten (14) arbejdsdage for CD/DVD og digital distribution samt 8 til 12 uger for vinylproduktion efter godkendt korrektur.

8. Reklamationer

Det er op til Kunden uden unødig udsættelse at undersøge, om leverancen opfylder kravene til kvantitet og kvalitet ifølge punkt 6 og 7 ovenfor. Hvis der foreligger afvigelser fra toleranceniveauerne, skal Kunden omgående underrette os om dette. En sådan reklamation skal ske skriftligt og være os i hænde inden for ti (10) arbejdsdage fra leveringsdatoen. Ved skjulte afvigelser er vi alene ansvarlige for afvigelser, som reklameres skriftligt inden for halvtreds (50) arbejdsdage regnet fra leveringsdatoen.

 9. Returneringer

Vi har ingen returneringspolitik. Produktioner, som er unikt tilpassede efter Kundens ønsker og godkendt via digital korrektur, kan derfor ikke returneres.

10. Transportskadede varer

Hvis en vare fra os beskadiges under transport – uanset om skaden er synlig eller skjult – skal dette omgående og senest inden for 7 dage anmeldes til speditøren.

11. Ansvarsbegrænsning

Vi fraskriver os alt ansvar for leveringsforsinkelser. Vi er ikke ansvarlige for afvigelser forårsaget af mangelfuld, forsinket eller fejlagtigt Originalmateriale eller anden information fra Kunden. Vi er ikke ansvarlige for at kompensere Kunden for eksempelvis, men ikke begrænset til, inkompatibilitet, driftsafbrydelser, datatab eller anden økonomisk skade. Vi er ikke ansvarlige for at kompensere Kunden for indirekte skader, og vores samlede erstatningsansvar kan aldrig overskride det beløb, som den eller det pågældende, reklamerede Opgave/Køb er værd.

12. Kundens ansvar

Kunden skal holde os skadesløse for en sådan erstatning, som vi kan komme til at skulle yde tredjepart som følge af skader på ejendom eller personer ved brud på tredjeparts immaterielle rettigheder, såfremt fejlen eller bristen hidrører fra Originalmateriale eller anden information, som Kunden har stillet til rådighed for os.

13. Originalmateriale

Kunden skal stille alt det Originalmateriale til rådighed, som er nødvendigt for udførelsen af Opgaven. Levering af dette materiale sker på Kundens bekostning og til det sted, som vi anviser. Originalmaterialet skal overholde de specifikationer, som vi i anvender i hvert enkelt tilfælde. Originalmaterialet opbevares hos os uden omkostninger for Kunden i 48 måneder efter seneste ordredato (Opbevaringsperioden). Derefter destrueres det, hvis ikke Kunden forinden har anmodet om, at materialet returneres. Returnering af sådant materiale sker på Kundens bekostning. Nogle typer Originalmateriale, som eksempelvis glasmaster og trykfilm, kan ikke returneres uden at blive destrueret efter Opbevaringsperioden. Al opbevaring af Originalmateriale sker på Kundens risiko, og vi kan ikke holdes ansvarlige for skader på eller tab af Originalmateriale.

14. Immaterielle rettigheder

Kunden garanterer, at Originalmaterialet ikke udgør brud på andres ophavsret, ret til brug af et varemærke eller andre immaterielle rettigheder, samt at det ikke er af en sådan art eller gives en sådan udformning, at det strider mod love, bekendtgørelser, myndighedsanvisninger, skik eller sædvane, god markedsføringsskik, eller risikerer at vække anstød eller almen forargelse. Kunden er ansvarlig for forpligtelser over for rettighedsindehavere eller myndigheder, herunder, men ikke begrænset til, betaling af royalties, pligteksemplar eller lignende forpligtelser. Vi forbeholder os retten til uden erstatningspligt over for Kunden at afbryde Opgaven, hvis der findes rimelig anledning til at mistænke, at Originalmaterialet strider mod det, som angives i ovenstående to afsnit. Hvis Kunden ikke lever op til det, som angives i de to øverste afsnit i punkt 13, er Kunden forpligtet til at kompensere os for al skade og alle omkostninger, som rammer os i forbindelse hermed. Sådanne omkostninger inkluderer, men er ikke begrænsede til, skadeserstatning, sagsomkostninger og øvrige udgifter til juridisk bistand.

15. Force Majeure

Parten skal friholdes fra de forpligtelser, som påhviler denne i henhold til denne aftale, i den udstrækning denne er forhindret i at opfylde sine forpligtelser på grund af strejke, som ligger uden for partens kontrol, optøjer, oversvømmelser, krig, regeringsdekret eller lignende (force majeure). Parten skal i så fald omgående underrette den anden part skriftligt om sådanne omstændigheder og skal i videst mulig udstrækning forsøge at forhindre eller fjerne årsagerne til sin manglende evne til at opfylde sine forpligtelser. En sådan underretning medfører, at Leveringstiden forlænges med fyrre (40) arbejdsdage, og hvis omstændighederne fortsat foreligger i mere end fyrre (40) arbejdsdage, medfører en sådan hændelse, at en af parterne har ret til skriftligt at annullere ordren uden ret til erstatning,

16. Tvister

Aftalen skal reguleres af svensk ret, således som den anvendes i aftaler indgået i Sverige mellem svenske parter. Tvister i anledning af Aftalen skal afgøres i Sverige af voldgiftsmænd efter svensk lov om voldgiftsmænd. Hvis tvisten drejer sig om beløb, som ved retssagens start beløber sig til højst to (2) pris-basisbeløb (2020: 47300 SEK) ifølge loven (1962 :381) om almen forsikring, har Parten imidlertid ret til at indbringe sagen for en svensk domstol.

Renvägen 10

S-352 45 Växjö


Tel: +46 (0)470 74 29 00


Thank you for using our services or visiting our website(s). In this privacy policy, we describe what information we collect, as well as how and why we do so, when you visit our website(s) or use our services. Our privacy policy also details how we use and publish this information. We take your privacy very seriously and will never sell lists or email addresses to any third parties.

We process and protect personal information with the utmost care and attention. Whenever we process personal data, we comply with relevant regulations, including the GDPR.

1. General information

1.1 Definitions

The following definitions will help you understand our privacy policy. When we talk about we/us/our, we mean or, located at Skyttegatan 11 in Växjö and registered with organistion number 556781-9254. We offer our clients a modern, music and video oriented e- commerce platform. When we talk about user, we mean an employee of the and organisation. A client or subscriber is someone who has made an order in our webshop and/or subscribed to our newsletters. Partners are persons or organisations with which we have business exchanges. We sign separate agreements with these partners to safeguard your privacy in accordance with our guidelines.

We collect information on our websites. Some of this information is personal in nature. Personal information is any information that can be used to identify you: your first and last names, date of birth, telephone number and email address.

Our privacy policy applies to our website:

This privacy policy applies to these websites. The term websites refers to the website itself, web pages, interactive features, applications, widgets, blogs, social media, social media tabs or other online or mobile content that links to this privacy policy. This online content can be displayed on a computer, smartphone or another type of device or in a different manner. By offering our products and services, we can collect personal information about a website visitor, client, user, person or email address on, or related to, a distribution list or subscriber.

1.2 Changes

We may modify the content of this privacy policy at any time. The most recent version is indicated by the version number and the date found at the bottom of this privacy policy. All updates and changes enter into force immediately. We will publish a revised version on our websites and include a link to our privacy policy in the footer of our newsletters or communicate the changes in some other manner.

We recommend regularly consulting this privacy policy to stay up to date on any changes that may be relevant for you. Our copies of this privacy policy – saved electronically or otherwise – are the real, complete, valid, authentic and enforceable copies of the version of the policy that was in force on the date on which we acquired your personal information.

1.3 Scope

This privacy policy takes precedence and pertains to – and respects – all information that we collected or will collect about and/or from you. If applicable, we employ separate terms of use for which we will always ask separate, deliberate permission.

1.4 Questions and/or remarks and/or unsubscribing

If you want to unsubscribe from our emails, you can click on the opt-out link at the bottom of any of our email messages at any time. If you have any questions, remarks and/or complaints or if you want to update, delete or modify your personal information, please contact us. The same applies if you have any concerns about how we deal with matters pertaining to privacy. E-mail us on or send us a letter to, Att: Victor (DPO), Skyttegatan 11, SE35241 Växjö, Sweden or email to

1.5 DPO

We employ a DPO (Data Protection Officer) who can be reached via the aforementioned email address ( Persons involved can contact the DPO about any matters pertaining to the processing of the information of the person involved and to exercise their rights under the GDPR.

2. The information we collect

2.1.1 Information that you voluntarily provide to us

When you make use of our platform, place an e-commerce order, sign up for our newsletters, events or other services, consult our customer service team, send us an email, reply to a blog, start a chat conversation, integrate our service with a different website or service or communicate with us in any other way, you voluntarily provide information to us, which we collect.

Depending on where and for what purpose you enter this information, it contains: your name, address, personal information, general information pertaining to your organisation and position, user data, payment information and information pertaining to your interests/lifestyle characteristics. By providing this information to us, you agree to let us gather, use and store this information for the purpose in question.

2.1.2 Information that we collect automatically

If you are a client, a user of our e-commerce platform, if you signed up for our newsletters, events or other services or visit our websites, we collect information from you. Depending on how you contact us, this information contains your IP address, your operating system, your browser ID, your browser activity and other information pertaining to your visit to our website(s). We collect this information as part of our log files, but also through the use of cookies or other tracking technologies. For more detailed information, refer to our cookie policy below (chapter 5).

2.1.3 Personal information that we receive in order to send information

When a client uses a social media link, or when a website visitor uses the “share” option, we permit the client/website visitor to share our email and/or website content with the person whose personal information the client/website visitor entered. We will use this information only once to send them the requested information.

2.1.4 Information from other sources

We may receive information about you, e.g. your name, email address, demographical information, IP addresses, location and your use of social media platforms, by performing a search on the internet or using (third-party) tools.

. Why we process information

We process personal information for the following purposes and will not store this information any longer than necessary. If you want to know more about the choices we make when processing your personal information, feel free to contact us via

3.1 Legal obligations

A small number of our processing activities are conducted because we are legally required to do so. This mainly concerns personal information that we need to meet our tax liability. We may also process personal information in the event of judicial obligation.


3.2 Execution of contracts with our clients

We record which organisations visit/use our platform, along with their relevant contacts. We process the personal information of these contacts in order to meet our contractual obligations.

3.3 Sales and marketing purposes

Like any organisation, we want to acquire new clients and retain existing ones. therefore uses personal information to send contacts email and/or text messages or contact them via telephone. We do not release personal information to third parties, unless you give us unequivocal permission to do so, although we can use your profile/interests to find similar profiles. We sometimes personalise our emails and other communications to make them more relevant.

3.4 Improving our services

We strive to offer the users of our platform, clients, visitors of our websites and/or subscribers optimal ease of use and the highest quality of service.

4. The rights of the person involved

Under the GDPR, every person (the person involved) whose information is being processed has a number of rights. We do our best to meet these requirements at all times. If you have any tips or remarks, please let us know! To exercise your rights, you can contact us via or +46 (0) 470 742980.

  • Information and insight: it goes without saying that you can gain insight into which personal information of yours we process.
  • Rectification: if you believe the information we have on you is incorrect, please let us know so we can update it.
  • Right to be forgotten: you can ask us to temporarily or permanently delete your personal information. We may still need your information for other (e.g. administrative or judicial) purposes.
  • Limitation: if you believe we are unlawfully or incorrectly processing your personal information, you can limit our processing of your information.
  • Objection: you can object in writing (via email or regular mail) to the processing of your personal information. We will treat your request with care and get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Transferability: this is a new right under the GDPR, which you can exercise if you want to transfer your personal information. Although this will (probably) not be relevant for us, we would be happy to answer any questions you have about this matter.

The Swedish Data Protection Authority: we would we happy to help if you have any complains about your personal information. Swedish privacy legislation gives you the right to submit your complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Datainspektionen).

5. Cookies and tracking cookie policy

We use cookies and other similar tracking technologies, e.g. tracking and conversion pixels, in order to improve our services, optimise the performance of our websites and email campaigns and efficiently execute (email) marketing campaigns.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on a PC, tablet or smartphone during a visit to a website. The use of cookies is completely safe and cookies are never used to uncover personal information such as passwords.

What types of cookies are there?

There are four types of cookies that are used on and’s websites.

  • Essential: these cookies are essential to ensure that and’s websites perform well. They allow you to navigate our websites and make use of the features we offer. These cookies do not identify users as individuals. Not accepting these cookies may affect the performance of our platform or (parts of) our websites.
  • Functional: these cookies allow our websites to remember the choices you made during your visit (e.g. your username or language settings) in order to provide a more personalised online experience. They may also allow you to view videos, play games and use social tools such as blogs and chatrooms. The information gathered by these cookies may include information that you provided and which can identify you as a person, e.g. your username. We will always be open about what information we gather, what we do with it and whom we share it with (if applicable). Not accepting these cookies may affect the performance and functionality of our platform or our websites and it may limit your access to the content on our platform or our websites.
  • Performance: these cookies help us gain insight into how visitors use our websites by providing information about the areas they visited, the time they spent on our website and any problems they encountered along the way, e.g. errors. This helps us improve the performance of our websites. These cookies do not identify you as a person. All data is anonymised and aggregated.
  • Targeting/advertisements: these cookies track you for extended periods of time across multiple websites and are capable of building a profile. This can be used to segment you based on your specific interests. These cookies are often used to send more personalised emails and show more relevant advertisements online. An advertisement network places one or more cookies on your computer or that of other website visitors via a third-party website. The network can access these cookies when you visit websites that are part of this advertisement network. Most of these cookies can track consumers via their IP address, so they can gather information that can identify you as a person.

The various types of cookies may consist of “session cookies” and “persistent cookies.” Session cookies are temporary cookies that are stored on your computer/device until you leave the or website. A persistent cookie will be stored on your computer for much longer or until it is manually removed (how long the cookie is stored on your device depends on the “lifespan” of the specific cookie and your browser settings).

Deleting cookies

The easiest way to delete your cookies is via your browser settings. If you want to opt out of “interest-based advertisements,” visit Note that you may still receive generic advertisements. If you use multiple devices to visit’s websites (e.g. your computer, smartphone, tablet, etcetera), you must ensure that every device’s browser settings are customised to suit your cookie preferences.

Policy changes reserves the right to modify this privacy policy. Any changes will be communicated on this page. This page was last updated on March 2nd, 2020.

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